I am not really into dressing pets up in cute little outfits, but at times it becomes a necessity. My dog's hair is thinning as he gets older, so he is going to need some sun protection when he gets his summer hair cut. There is no way I am messing with goopy, doggy sunscreens. I am on the search for some badass, cool-dog shirts. This is what I found:
Astronaut |
Is there anything cooler than exploring space in a rocket? I don't think so.
Cool Fish |
I am always down for some fish skeleton. This shirt is full of summer fun. I mean - check out those sunnies!
Godzilla |
Little dogs love to pretend they are big, and where better to do that then Japan! Plus, Tom Waits, obviously.
Octopus Balls |
Continuing with the Japanese theme, I have here a shirt with takoyaki (a delicious Japanese treat). The American flag just adds a touch of bizarro. The shop that sells this, DurianLovers, has so many crazy shirts for dogs, many of the designs emblazoned on American flags.
Pizza Steve |
Pizza Steve is a Karate master. And my dog turns into a secret ninja when there is pepperoni pizza around. I think my dog would probably chose this shirt if I let him pick.
Gonzo |
Everyone knows that shirts with H.S. Thompson quotes on them are a sure sign of coolness. Also, I am pretty sure the quote exemplifies your dog. It sure does for mine.
Paranoid |
This shirt if for the conspiracy theorist, super paranoid dog. The kind of dog that is bristling at every small sound. My dog is waaaay too chill for this shirt, but it is still badass.
Junkie Dog |
And now for our final little number. This shirt is only for hardcore junkie dogs. My dog was on a lot of painkillers a few months back and we were always joking that he had turned into a grumpy dope fiend. He's mostly better now, so he doesn't need this shirt anymore.