Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Rant: Bloglovin' needs an unfollowers function asap

Bloglovin' is pretty awesome. At this point I think it is the best social network for sharing blogs with other bloggers but it really irritates me when someone follows me until I follow them and then they unfollow me. If it didn't take so much time I would love to know whose blogs and profiles I could remove from my friends list without hurting anybody's feelings or unjustifiably decreasing their readership numbers. 

I have tried a few different methods for removing those who don't follow me anymore but they have all been too time consuming. I have enough on my plate as it is so I just leave it and let my unfollowers escape me. At one point I thought about un-following everyone and then re-following those who follow me but I don't want to lose or confuse any readers in the process. Right now I am following 1383 and I have 536 followers. I would get rid of most of the 847 bloggers who don't follow me back in a heartbeat if it wasn't such a pain! 

Has anyone come up with an easy system for un-following un-followers on Bloglovin'? I really wish that Bloglovin' was added to because that would be phenomenal. 

Ever since I started using Unfollowers as a Twitter tool it has made it much easier to track who is following and unfollowing me. I have been able to grow my audience there a bit faster because of it as well, and I don't have to spend much time to do it. Typically I follow about 8 people each week and then unfollow those who don't follow me back. That's not a whole lot but I don't want to worry about it too much I just want to keep it growing and so far it has been great. I have discovered some cool Twitter peeps in the process :).

If you do follow me on Bloglovin' thank you, thank you, thank you! You are awesome. I'm pretty sure that I follow you too. I always follow back because I like to read posts of those who follow me. I think it is a really neat way to share interests as well as beauty, art, life and fashion tips. 

If we aren't Bloglovin' friends yet just let me know and I would love to follow back. Here is the link to my profile I am also Twitter friendly and I generally follow those who follow me there too, unless it is clearly a fake account. I try to keep MR Fish in the know about the medias too. You can also contact me anytime at if you have any tips or comments to share. 

Hope that everyone is having a great week! I am trying to hustle so I can officially start up my jewelry business but it has taken a back seat to household and mommy duties. Thankfully I got the whole apartment rearranged so it is more open and easier to clean which helps a great deal. I would love to make a bit of going out money to attend events like Portland Fashion Week and random concerts and art shows, as well as score a few new pieces for my wardrobe though. Right now I am on a fairly minimal budget but we have everything that we need so it's 'aight.

Hope that everyone is having a beautiful week!

<3 KM

P.S. My apologies to anyone that was wondering where my post was on Monday. Thank you for reading! 


  1. Great! You said what everyone else is thinking ��
