Friday, January 30, 2015

Onion-y Super Bowl

What is more of a super bowl than a bowl full of caramelized onions? Well, maybe the Super Bowl, but this French Onion dip is pretty super. Okay, I just felt dumb writing that...

Anyway, it tastes good and isn't too terribly difficult, so without further delay here is the recipe:

I broke this down into the smallest unit I could to make test batches. (Yes I am crazy. I am going over to the not-in-laws this year, so it has to be good.) So, you should probably triple or quadruple this recipe to get a good amount. It only makes about half a cup, depending on the size of your onion.

1 large Onion
1 generous tablespoon Butter
1 tablespoon Mayonnaise
3 tablespoons Sour Cream (you can totally sub with yogurt - I tried and you can't really tell)
1/4 teaspoon garlic powder
a dash of Worcestershire
a little bit of lemon juice
a generous amount of salt and pepper 

Slice the onion into about quarter inch (half a centimeter) slices. Keep them as even as you can. This will save you from the uneven cooking that plagued me.

Caramelize onions. I'm probably not the best at explaining this, but the only thing that really matters is that you have to keep stirring. Saute the onions on high for a couple of minutes in the butter. When they start to turn translucent turn down the heat. After about 15 minutes they should be golden. Keep going for another 5. They should be brown and smell like French onion soup. If not, keep cooking until they do. If most are done, but some are not, just take out the under-cooked ones. It's not worth it to burn the rest.

Let the onions cool. If you want it a little chunky like mine, just chop them fine. If you want it smooth blend those suckers.

Mix in all the other ingredients. Chill in fridge. Overnight works best.

You can serve this with bread, potato chips, veggies, beef - pretty much anything. I ate some on pizza today and it was pretty good. 

Have Fun!

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