Friday, August 23, 2013

Cassie and Melancholic Songs

One of my guilty pleasures on Netflix was Skins. It's a British TV show about some crazy teenagers. I must admit that I stopped watching after the Cassie left. It was just no fun without her. I think she was the only reason I enjoyed watching that show. Is it creepy that I had a girl-crush on her? 

The thing is, this show has some seriously awesome tunes. I discovered two of my favorite songs from this show. If you haven't already discovered them for yourself, here they are:


  1. I never heard of either of these musicians before, but they are good! I really like Jolie Holland's style and the Timothy victor song reminds me of one of my faves - This Town by the Go Go's but this ones much less poppy.

    1. I have the Kittie cover of This Town right before This is my City in one of my playlists, Great minds think alike!
